April’s events were filled with unforgettable experiences, where our reusable cups played a key role. Let’s take a look at where you might have seen our cups in action!
🧼 April 22, 2024 – Joint Washing Shift at the Washing Center in Řečkovice: This day was special for all of us. Some of us experienced firsthand how NICKNACK cups are cleaned. During this shift, we learned who’s best at sorting the cleaned cups, and we got to familiarize ourselves with the work in the washing center. This event helped us better understand an important part of our company, while also spending quality time together, which strengthened our team spirit. Now, we can confidently explain to our customers exactly what cup washing entails.
🍔 Burger Street Festivals 2024: Love burgers? The Burger Street Festival is where you’ll find the best gourmet burgers from across the country. Visitors enjoyed delicious burgers and great drinks served in our reusable cups. The festival offered a moderated program, music, cooking shows, children’s activities, and competitions for all food lovers.
And the best part? Entry to the Burger Street Festival was always free, so everyone could enjoy the program and taste whatever they wanted. Our cups became an essential part of this event, contributing to sustainability and helping create a cleaner, more eco-friendly environment. This festival runs all summer, so don’t miss it! [Burger Street Festival]